GET SHRIMP POST (real mail)
Comprising of three elements; a letter touching on various findings from astrology, tarot, or other esoteric practices, COSMIC SHRIMP reflections on the previous month, and astrological prompts for the upcoming new and full moon created with occasional guest astrologers.
Recipients are also invited to contribute their own findings and observations in the SHRIMP POST community group.
Home printed, hand created, and sent from Naarm Australia.
Mailing world wide.
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2024 cracked me open and through the cracks I got to play with the light of new friends, opportunities, and perspectives. My availability for these experiences was an unexpected impact of a painful letting go. Now this year I’m experimenting with how a willingness and openness to life can come without the prerequisite of ego shattering pain (TBD).
So far what I have learnt about magic is that it is quickly extinguished by “I should”, but rapidly stoked by “why not” and “I could”. I learnt that you might pick up the promise of a magical happening like the scent of roasted street food beckoning on a breeze. You’re at a crossroads. You can ignore it and keep on the path home because you planned to use up the rest of leftovers (which of course, you should), or you could set aside practicality just for the evening and sniff your way around the corner to discover a delicious stall that’s been there for 10 years. You just never noticed until now.
When I read Rebecca Solnit’s explanation that “to be lost is to be fully present. To be fully present is to be capable of being in uncertainty and mystery”, I could see the value in what is typically an experience I’ve tried to avoid. In this past year, the times I was able to present as I felt lost is when I experienced the most magic in my life. There’s something about being properly lost which wakes up all of our senses and imagination, leading us to gut feelings, chance encounters, and side quest invitations.
As I hopefully continue to be lost this year, I’m using SHRIMP POST as a monthly devotional adjustment of my magical frequency antenna using the new and full moons as an anchor.
Just as you might record a night dream in the morning, this is about connecting with day dreams; synchronicities, weird happenings, special connections with others (animals, plants, nature), and anything that doesn’t make sense but feels like it might mean something eventually. The idea is that with regular noticing we increase attention and availability to magic and our courage to follow a mysterious path.
Each month in the mail you will receive day dream records from myself paired with astrological prompts from COSMIC SHRIMP friends for the upcoming lunar cycles. Use the astrology as a little map while you’re out there being lost. It can offer signposts and a suggestion of what to listen/look/feel out for. And upon reflection, use it as something that can offer new insight.
I have no idea if this will get me where I want to go, but I guess that’s not the point. Or maybe it is the point depending on how you look at it.
You can also join this project. Send me an instagram DM at @cosmic_shrimp to get the link to our private SHRIMP POST forum where you and others can share your magical happenings.
Let’s stay in touch.